Purchasing Division

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The Purchasing Division is committed to provide prompt and effective procurement services which meet the needs of City departments, in accordance with the spirit and requirements of the City Charter and Municipal Code while affording equal access to all entities seeking to do business with the City of Fresno.

The division strives to be valued and recognized as a provider of timely, high quality, low-cost procurement services to City departments to enable optimum efficiency and cost accountability.


Purchasing provides the following services:

  • Conducts various competitive bidding processes to obtain the best pricing for the City. Processes vary with the estimated dollar amount of the procurement/project from same-day purchases to a three-month process for a large and complex construction project, such as the Surface Water Treatment Plant.
  • Facilitates the procurement process for all purchases exceeding $5,000.
  • If needed, coordinates appeals hearings and represents the City.
  • Offers online purchasing management system that allows vendors from all over the country to register online, to receive automated e-mail notices, to receive City solicitations for services and commodities, and to submit bids online.
  • Provides Divisions with use of a Cal Card (Visa Card), the City’s office purchase card, to make small dollar purchases of materials, parts, and supplies for their immediate needs up to $2,500 per transaction.
  • Advises customers on best and fastest procurement methods, layout and content of formal bid specifications and, if requested, provides on-site services to advise customers on a regular basis on procurement issues
  • Partners with customers in the development and refinement of complex Requests for Proposals.
  • Provides a handbook with procedures and maintains standardized bidding documents for use by customers.
  • Facilitates problem solving between clients and vendors/contractors (excluding public works projects) during contract administration;
  • Administers citywide contracts, such as stationery and uniforms.
  • Arranges for auctions or individual sales to dispose of surplus.

Statement of Qualifications

Bidders who desire to participate in the formal bidding process with the City of Fresno for public works projects must provide a valid Statement of Qualifications to include Schedules A-1 and A-2.

This can be accomplished in one of two ways:

1) Have original on file with the Office of the Purchasing Manager of the City of Fresno or;

2) Submit original with the Bid Proposal.

The Statement must be filed annually and Statements that are older than one year are no longer valid.

Download Statement of Qualifications

DBE Program

A federally funded Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program


Frequently Asked Questions